Friday, May 7, 2010

Contest Winners!

The results from our Mother's Day Letter Writing contest are in! Read about our four contest winners here!

Also, we had so many letters to choose from, we decided that EVERY student who entered the contest should receive something; so they did -- we dropped a shiny gemstone to every student!

Look again for this contest next year and thank you to everyone who submitted a letter telling us their Mom or Special Lady "Shines Like A Gem."

Here is our winning letter, from Juliana:

"My mom is a very good cook. I love her so much. I think she is a jewel. Her heart is safe with mine. I think she's beautiful. I wish her a wonderful Mother's Day. She looks like a beauty of roses. Her hair feels like a soft sunflower. She lets me have awesome birthdays. She takes me to the store and lets me buy my favorite things like rainbow dresses. Sometimes I think she dresses beautiful. She cooks spanish rice and African chicken. Sometimes my mom plays kick the ball with me. Goes on a walk with me. I drew and colored my mom a picture of my mom and me hugging. We had hearts around us. I was adpoted so when my mom got me she was happy crying. When I got to my room she made me feel at home. My mom lets me invite my friends over to play. She lets me have the best sleepovers EVER! My mom and I do arts and crafts together. My mom made me funny picture. A guy crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. I gave my mom a special surprise before. She loved it. On my mom's birthday I gave her a picture and a bow on top. She thinks I'm a great artist than anybody she's seen. I think my mom has a lot of make up. She wears it when she goes to fancy places. I said to my mom I'm glad your my mom."

Central Elementary

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